Investment Management

Tailored solutions and a personalised service

Expert financial advice

A dedicated manager will be assigned to you from the outset. We recognise that no two clients are the same and, after a detailed assessment of your circumstances and objectives, our experienced professionals will advise a carefully thought-out plan, just for you.

As your goals change over time, we will adapt the plan so that it is always appropriate for your ongoing needs. Throughout your journey with us, we follow four guiding principles:

Investment strategy

We keep you aware of our thinking as we manage your investments, proactively making changes as and when required. Our carefully-considered strategy includes:

Keeping you in the know

24/7 online access, industry-leading reporting and quarterly valuations ensure you are always fully up to date with the performance of your portfolios.

While our user-friendly client portal enables you to monitor your investments in real time, in-person client reviews are undertaken annually, or more frequently if you prefer. Better still, we are always available to speak to and will respond promptly to any requests for action and information.​

Security of assets

Your assets are held with some of the most secure custodians in the world.

Pershing works behind the scenes on behalf of your wealth manager or financial firm to provide a variety of services and custody your assets. Pershing has been a leading global provider of financial business solutions for more than 80 years, so you can feel confident that your assets are in strong hands. Pershing is the trusted choice of approximately 1,200 firms, representing more than seven million investors and is committed to the protection, servicing and reporting of assets for investors like you.


Step 1: ESG assessment

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is a framework that is used to screen investments and actively encourage companies to act responsibly. Today’s regulation requires a greater focus on sustainability factors throughout the advice and portfolio management process. At the same time, more investors and consumers are looking to use their capital to help support the creation of a fair and sustainable future.  

Proactively supporting companies that aim to make the world a better place, we follow this framework without compromising the financial objectives of our clients.

Step 2: Due diligence

We use a consistent process for assessing funds and fund managers across all asset classes and fund types. We only engage with the world’s leading fund managers if they meet our rigorous due diligence criteria designed to achieve low risk and strong long-term performance.

Using proprietary systems, we select partners based on track record, value for money and an in-depth analysis of their investment process. We favour experienced managers with adequate resources who have run money through full market cycles with an impressive track record. We also favour managers with experience of recovering well from stock missteps and, of course, we expect every manager to invest in their own funds.

While investment trusts are acceptable for illiquid asset classes such as private equity and property, illiquid assets in open-ended funds are not approved.

Step 3: Performance, risk and style

Leaving no stone unturned in the quest for the best possible return on your investment, we go one stage further before we engage on your behalf.

The next level of due diligence forms a deeper assessment of People, Process, Performance Risk, Style, Fees and Operational Information, which we undertake before taking your investment into market.

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John Smith

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